New Mexico State University,美国留学-美国本科申请
New Mexico State University大学
校名: New Mexico State University
所在州: NewMexico
所在城市: Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
地址: Box 30001, MSC 3004
电话: (505) 646-3121
USNews 2011 排名:
申请 |
校园生活 |
就业 |
录取统计 |
师资力量 |
国际学生 |
专业与学位 |
申请要求/标准 |
学生信息 |
转学 |
学费与花费 |
经济困难的学生是否可免申请费? |
No |
申请费 |
$20 |
申请费是否可退还? |
No |
是否可以延迟入学? |
Yes |
申请是否可以通过Email提交? |
Yes |
申请是否可以通过软盘提交? |
No |
网上申请URL | |
Early Action截止时间 |
N/A |
Early Action决定通知时间 |
N/A |
是否提供Early Action Plan? |
No |
Early Decision截止时间 |
N/A |
Early Decision决定通知时间 |
N/A |
是否提供Early Decision Plan? |
No |
接受录取截止时间 |
Rolling (Fall), Rolling (Spring), Rolling (Summer) |
结果通知时间 |
N/A |
申请截止时间 |
8/28 |
学费定金 |
$0 |
学费定金是否可退还? |
N/A |
住宿定金 |
$100 |
住宿定金是否可退还? |
Nonrefundable |
姐妹会学生占所有学生比例(Sorority) |
N/A |
校园内是否有公共交通? |
Yes |
兄弟会学生占所有学生比例(Fraternity) |
N/A |
学校面积(英亩) |
3,500 |
周末在校学生比例 |
79% |
住校本科生比例 |
N/A |
最近的公交汽车站(英里) |
Las Cruces (5) |
最近的火车站(英里) |
El Paso (45) |
最近的机场(英里) |
El Paso, TX(50 MILES), Albuquerque, NM(225 MILES) |
其他政策与规定 |
class attendance policies set by individual instructors, other |
是否允许学生在校园中拥有汽车? |
Yes |
校园内是否允许酒精? |
Yes |
在校内拥有汽车的学生比例? |
75% |
2008-2009学年校内兼职工作的本科生比例 |
18% |
本科生校内兼职工作每年平均收入 |
$6,400 |
是否不推荐新生在第一学期兼职工作? |
No |
是否有校内兼职? |
Yes |
主要雇佣公司 |
ABF Freight System; Accounting & Consulting Group; AIG Domestic Claims; Air Quality - Navajo Nation EPA; Alamo Navajo School Board, Inc.; Alamogordo Public Schools; ALATEC; Albuquerque Police Department; Albuquerque Public Schools; Alto Lakes Golf & Country Club; American Income Life; APT Research, Inc.; ARAMARK; ARAMARK Uniform Services; ARGO; Arizona Public Service; Army Research Laboratory; Bait & Tackle, LLC; Baker Concrete; Ball Aerospace & Technologies; Beach, Fleischman & Co.; Belen Consolidated Schools; Bellagio; Bernalillo Public Schools; BJ Services; Boeing Company; Border Servant Corporation; Brownfield Independent School District; Bureau of Land Management; Burns & McDonnell; BWXT Pantex; C H Robinson Worldwide; California Teacher Recruitment Program; Camp Weequahic; CareerBuilder; Cargill; Cartwright Elementary; CCC Group; Cedar Hill Independent School District; Central Intelligence Agency; Charlotte-Mechlenburg Schools; Chevron Phillips Chemical Company; CITGO Petroleum Corporation; City of Dallas; City of Las Cruces; Clark County School District; Cleveland Independent School District; Clint Independent School District; Clover Park School District; Comcast; Conoco Phillips; Consolidated Electrical Distributors; Continental Divide Electric Cooperative; Convergys; CPS Energy; Cummings Ing/Diesel ReCon |
录取人数 |
4,897 |
男生录取人数 |
2,069 |
男生申请人数 |
2,518 |
女生录取人数 |
2,828 |
女生申请人数 |
3,442 |
申请人数 |
5,960 |
通过Early Action或Early Decision入学的新生比例 |
N/A |
一年级男生注册人数 |
1,174 |
一年级女生注册人数 |
1,397 |
一年级学生注册人数 |
2,571 |
ACT Composite成绩在30-36的学生比例 |
3% |
ACT English成绩在30-36的学生比例 |
7% |
ACT Math成绩在30-36的学生比例 |
3% |
SAT Critical Reading成绩在700-800的学生比例 |
4% |
SAT Math成绩在700-800的学生比例 |
2% |
在高中排前10%的2008年新生比例 |
19% |
在高中排前25%的2008年新生比例 |
45% |
在高中排前50%的2008年新生比例 |
78% |
2008年秋季录取率 |
82.2% |
Early Action录取率 |
N/A |
Early Decision录取率 |
N/A |
录取率(除Early Action与Early Decision) |
N/A |
申请难度 |
selective |
Waiting List上被录取的人数 |
N/A |
Waitling List上的申请人数 |
N/A |
来自Waiting List的注册人数 |
N/A |
是否有Waiting List? |
No |
国际教师 |
9% full time, 6% part time |
教师总人数 |
711 full time, 304 part time |
男性教师 |
62% full time, 39% part time |
女性教师 |
38% full time, 61% part time |
少数民族教师 |
20% full time, 17% part time |
学生/教师比例 |
18:1 |
拥有博士学位的老师比例 |
76% |
助教执教的课堂比例 |
11% |
申请截止日期 |
March 1 (Fall), October 1 (Spring), March 1 (Summer) |
是否要求预申请(Preapplication)? |
No |
是否要求正常申请以外的申请(Separate application form)? |
Yes |
本科生国际学生比例 |
4.56 |
本科生国际学生人数 |
618 |
国际学生所代表的国家数 |
38 |
国际学生最多的国家 |
India, Mexico, China, Germany, Jordan, Vietnam |
一年级国际学生人数 |
107 |
一年级学生中国际学生比例 |
4.44 |
联合项目 |
Bachelor of Accountancy and Master of Accountancy; Bachelor of Science and Master's of Science in Electrical Engineering; Bachelor of Science and Master's of Science in Industrial Engineering; Bachelor of Science and Master's of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Bachelor of Science and Master's of Science in Physics; Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Master of Business Administration; Master of Art in History and Master of Public Administration; Master of Public Administration/Master of Criminal Justice; Masters of Social Work/Masters of Public Health |
授予的学位 |
Associate, Bachelor's, Master's, Post-master's certificate, Doctorate |
最受欢迎的5个专业 |
9% nursing/registered nurse training (R.N., A.S.N., B.S.N., M.S.N.), 7% criminal justice/safety studies, 7% elementary education and teaching, 4% foreign languages and literatures, 4% marketing/marketing management |
GPA? |
Considered |
班级排名? |
Not Considered |
标准考试成绩? |
Very Important |
申请文书? |
Not Considered |
推荐信? |
Not Considered |
中学学业表现? |
Very Important |
ACT写作? |
ACT with or without writing accepted |
off-campus面试? |
may be arranged with an admission representative |
本科入学教育项目? |
Require |
标准考试? |
Either SAT or ACT required. |
接收SAT/ACT考试成绩截止时间 |
N/A |
接收SAT考试成绩截止时间 |
N/A |
入学面试? |
Neither required/recommended |
是否要求完成高中? |
High school diploma is required and GED is accepted |
校园访问? |
Recommended |
学校是否有公开的录取政策? |
No |
学校在录取第一次申请该校的新生时是否考虑SAT或ACT? |
Yes |
才能? |
Not Considered |
第一代本科学生? |
N/A |
个性/个人品质? |
Not Considered |
工作经验? |
Not Considered |
居住地理位置? |
Not Considered |
居住地所在州? |
Not Considered |
课外活动? |
Not Considered |
面试? |
Not Considered |
申请人对学校的兴趣程度? |
N/A |
校友关系? |
Not Considered |
志愿者工作? |
Not Considered |
种族? |
Not Considered |
宗教信仰 |
Not Considered |
Science Lab学分 |
N/A |
Science学分 |
N/A |
高中课程总学分 |
N/A |
历史学分 |
N/A |
社会学学分 |
N/A |
数学学分 |
N/A |
外语学分 |
N/A |
选修课学分 |
N/A |
英语学分 |
N/A |
Science Lab学分 |
2 |
Science学分 |
2 |
高中课程总学分 |
10 |
历史学分 |
N/A |
社会学学分 |
N/A |
数学学分 |
3 |
外语学分 |
1 |
选修课学分 |
N/A |
英语学分 |
4 |
本科男生比例 |
45.3% |
本科女生比例 |
54.7% |
本科生总人数 |
13,677 |
全职本科生比例 |
86.8% |
接受录取时间 |
Rolling (Fall), Rolling (Spring), Rolling (Summer) |
录取通知时间 |
Rolling (Fall), Rolling (Spring), Rolling (Summer) |
转学申请的学期 |
Fall, Spring, Summer |
转学申请时间 |
Rolling (Fall), Rolling (Spring), Rolling (Summer) |
PS等申请文书? |
Not required |
本科成绩单? |
Required of all |
标准考试成绩? |
Required of some |
高中成绩单? |
Not required |
可转学分的最低成绩要求? |
C |
入学面试? |
Not required |
是多可以转的学分或课程数? |
N/A |
是否有完成学位的最低学分要求? |
30 credits for a bachelor's degree |
转出学校提供的良好学业表现证明书? |
Recommended of all |
转学申请是否有最低学分要求? |
Yes, 30 |
最低本科GPA? |
2.0 |
最低高中GPA? |
0 |
2008年秋季接受的转学人数 |
887 |
2008年秋季注册的转学人数 |
714 |
2008年秋季转学申请人数 |
1,019 |
成本 |
2009-2010 In-state: $4,998; Out-of-state: $15,534 |
个人花费 |
N/A |
交通花费 |
N/A |
每学分或每课程费用 |
in-state: $0, out-of-state: $0 |
每学期必选的最少学分或课程数 |
12 |
每学期可选的最多学分或课程数 |
18 |
其他学费信息 |
N/A |
书本费用 |
N/A |
住宿费 |
$6,338 |